Virtual Workshops

Income Planning


Planning your annual income involves more than just setting a goal for the year. It's a comprehensive formula that can be adjusted based on various factors. Once you've mastered the formula, it becomes a matter of math — which is great because then, anything is possible!

Time Management


Join us for a special one-hour Time Management workshop on May 18th! Dive into the art of time management, going beyond simple task scheduling on your calendar. Discover how to strategically organize your calendar to align with your targeted annual income, empowering you to achieve your financial goals with precision.



Join us for an insightful workshop on prospecting, delving into essential methods to expand your network and grow your business. Discover the power of networking, personal observation, professional alliances, centers of influence, and tapping into your natural market. Learn how to effectively identify and cultivate leads to drive business success!

Past Workshops

Business Plan 101


Highlighting the essentials of business planning: goal setting, prospecting strategies, income planning, and time management.