Business Prompts

Business Prompts...for the motivated entrepreneur.

Each deck contains 144 cards, divided into six categories:

Action, Business, Feel Good, Prospecting, Reflection, and Visionary.

Choose a card at random, or shuffle through the deck for inspiration.

The prompts are designed to inspire action and deep thinking around the user's business, leading to greater success.

These cards are perfect for sales professionals in any industry. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned business owner, or a sales professional, these cards are for you!

Want to learn about about the inspiration behind these cards?!
Click here!

Image of cute small dog on couch holding business prompt card. The card reads " How could you alleviate stress in the workplace?"
Image of Alison Hartrum, online business coach for female entrepreneurs, at table with business prompt cards and laptop.
Image of Alison Hartrum, online business coach for female entrepreneurs, holding business prompt deck. Flowering bush in background.
Image of business prompt cards on table. Cards read "Write your goals on a card and carry them with you" and "What is causing you undue stress? How can you reduce the stress?"

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