Featured on Entreprenista’s Website
I’m excited to share my latest feature from the Entreprenista website! Entreprenistas’ mission is to celebrate the stories of women business leaders and learn from the lessons of the women that are paving the way forward. I’m thrilled to have contributed my story and shared the early days of building my business, challenges, and wins along the way, and what being an Entreprenista League member means to me.
A Retreat Retrospective: Reflecting on Restore
The Restore Retreat, which took place in Isla Mujeres, Mexico, in May of 2022, was an amazing time of intense breakthroughs, increased self-awareness, and priceless knowledge-sharing. Participants learned and grew, absorbing lessons in prospecting, managing their business, handling communication, and more. It was a week of sharing and progress.
We are still in touch with participants and have been delighted to learn of all they’ve accomplished since Restore, particularly how what they gained from the Retreat has facilitated their subsequent successes.
Dreams, Journeys, and Faith
In the beginning of 2022, Faith Bonareri-Rich was stuck.
She had loved her home in New York City, adored her family, and enjoyed her job as a teacher.
But she often daydreamed of the magical landscape of Kenya, the setting of her childhood. Faith had fallen in love with the country as a child in Nairobi, visiting the national park every Sunday with her father and being drawn in by the fascinating animals and natural splendor. She had pen pals who would come visit her from other countries, always fascinated by her village as well as Maasai Mara.
Meet Alison Hartrum - CanvasRebel
Full blog written by CanvasRebel. I’m Alison Hartrum, wife, business owner, and explorer. I’m where I want to be in my life, traveling with my husband and our two dogs, enjoying new places, and constantly learning and improving myself.
Featured in The 4 Essential Tips For Selling Custom Cards
If you’re asking “how to sell custom cards” and don’t want general advice, you’re in the right place! To help save you time and money from learning by mistakes, we asked our clients to share their secrets! Here you will learn the most essential tips for selling custom cards and emphasizing your brand’s uniqueness!
Why You Should Be Reading More Self-Help Books
Reading is a favorite pastime for many people and has been for centuries. It opens our minds to new ideas, possibilities, and worlds.
But in these ever-changing times when things are getting more and more fast-paced and finding spare time seems an impossible task, it’s hard to justify sitting down to read. There’s just so much else to do and so little time to do it.
Why Women Shortchange Themselves [What You Should Be Charging For Your Services]
It’s no secret that there’s been a gender wage gap since women first entered the workforce.
And, when it comes to charging what they’re worth, women entrepreneurs often still fall short. Reasons vary, but a lack of self-confidence may top the list. We think it’s time to bridge the gap between self-worth and setting prices …and give you an idea of what you should be charging for your products and services. (Chances are, it’s A LOT more than what you’re charging now!)
The Importance of a Support System When Starting a Business
How often have you had a new idea or were about to do something scary and exciting, only to have a loved one shut it down as soon as you shared it with them?
The Four Social Styles: How to Use Them in Your Business
Are you a Driver? Maybe your personality is what most would consider “strong.” You have a go-getter attitude, and it’s a rare moment when you aren’t focusing on your goals and how to best achieve them. Or maybe you fit more into the Amiable category. You love nothing more than connecting with your girls on a Friday night after a long four hours without them. Because four hours without chatting with a friend feels like FOREVER in your world. You thrive on relationships. And free hugs are your favorite gift to give.
How the Law of Attraction and Positive Thinking Could Change Your Life
Imagine if we could think our way to success. We simply visualize our dreams, bring them to mind, and *POOF* – there they are. In reality, this isn’t too far-fetched.
Concepts like the Law of Attraction, manifestation, and the power of positive thinking have been surging through the mainstream: affirmations and rituals to raise your frequency, manifestation mantras to tap you into the flow of abundance, self-help books teaching how to upgrade in life through thoughts, and so much more.
Vision Boards and How to Make One That Works
We all daydream. Frequently about situations that haven’t happened to us. Things we see as possibilities for our future or replays of how events from the past could have gone differently. Our imagination creates a little theater in our minds for us to get lost in.
We zone out on these thoughts for many minutes (or hours!) a day. But is daydreaming such a bad thing?
Why a Business Plan is Important for Success and Where to Start
You have a big idea for a start-up that feels new and exciting. You know in your heart that it’s meant to be a reality. You picture others raving over your service or products. The crowd is going wild. Five-star reviews flood the internet. You’re ready to do whatever it takes to get things rolling.
You dive into the research on how to start a business, enter the world of entrepreneurialism, and more than likely come across what is called the “business plan.”
Motivation Made Easy
A morning stretch, an early jog, eating a hearty breakfast, pouring a giant cup of black coffee: quintessential tasks to start your day right and prepare for a successful day in the office. For Alison Hartrum, her favorite morning activity of shuffling through a deck of affirmation cards inspired her to do the opposite- leave the corporate world for good in the search for something more fulfilling.
Retreats for Entrepreneurial Women: What Are They and Why Should You Attend One?
Time is a fleeting resource for entrepreneurs. Our checklists never have less than ten to-dos, no matter how many items we check off in a day. Sometimes one day can feel like one hour. But time flies when you’re having fun, right? We default to hard work because we carry a passion unlike any other. We want our businesses to succeed and reach the heights we imagine and know are possible.