Email Addresses and the Power of Manifestation
At Abambyh Business Coaching, our email addresses are not derived from our names or titles. They're not random collections of letters and numbers or bland words like “info”, either. From the inception of Abambyh, Alison Hartrum had a different idea of what she wanted for her team’s email communication.
She asked each of us to carefully choose a word that precedes the "" portion of our email address and to have something very specific in mind when we did so: what we want to see happen, both for ourselves and for our clients.
Before we get into the choices we made, let's back up a bit and talk about the idea of manifestation, a practice that has been popular for some time because it’s repeatedly been proven to work.
There's a lot more to it than that.
Alison knows that manifestation works. She regularly creates vision boards and other tools to assist her in envisioning what she wants and needs from the world. She also encourages and assists her clients in doing the same. In choosing words that truly meant something to us regarding our vision for Abambyh Business, she intended us to speak that vision into existence every time we convey our communication information, to speak power to ourselves and to our clients with each email interaction we have.
Thinking over what Alison had requested of us, we gave serious consideration to what we wanted for the word that would be in alignment with our feelings, our hopes, and our motivations. What would encompass our greatest wish for what we would accomplish in our work for Abambyh Business? What did we want for our clients, for Alison, and for ourselves?
That word was "thrive". It's a word that expresses not just success, but growth. It has connotations of a nurturing environment, appropriate sustenance and stimuli, health and longevity.
It’s perfect. And every time I see my email address, every time I provide it to a client, it makes me happy. It reminds me of why I’m with Abambyh Business, why I love supporting Alison’s work. And every time a client sends me an email, they are being reminded, however subtly, unconsciously, of their own dreams and visions of what success looks like to them, their personal interpretation of what it means to thrive.
Then the more I thought about it, the more it made sense to me that the two of us would be on the same page in choosing our words. We are both support professionals for Alison, whose investment in the success of her clients is the driving motivation for what she does. It seems inevitable that we would be thinking along similar lines regarding what our work with Abambyh means to us, and what we want to achieve. And it should come as no surprise that Alison herself, at the very beginning, chose “success” for her own email, reflecting her vision for her clients, for Abambyh Business, and for her team.
What are you manifesting? How are you affecting your world? How do you remind yourself of your vision and your hopes for success?
Consider how you might regularly remind yourself of those dreams. You can start with something as simple as a daily affirmation, or a mantra. You can create a vision board or a brief vision statement, one that’s easy to remember and that you can repeat to yourself as often as you need to, to ground yourself and remember what you’re striving for.
Or, you can start with something as simple as an email address.
Regardless of where you begin, remember to surround yourself with reminders of your vision for what you want in life. You can make it happen!
To learn more about how Abambyh Business can help you realize your dreams, reach out to us on our Contact Page.
Written by Tina Harmuth